How do we find planets?
Check out Gr@v member Miguel Zilhão explaining "How do we find planets", an outreach video (in Portuguese).
Gr@v members contribute frequently to outreach initiatives in order to bring scientific knowledge and developments to the global community. Such initiatives include (see listing of recent activities at the bottom of this page and also our outreach events page):
Summer Academy, for high school students, organised by the Physics Department of Aveiro University;
Master Class in Particle Physics, for high school students, an international initiative in which Aveiro University participated for the first time in the 2011 edition;
Odisseia pela Física; physics colloquia directed to university students (not necessarily of physics), as well as high school teachers and students. The first edition took place in 2010/11;
Science Popularisation activities developed by the Fábrica Ciência Viva centre in Aveiro;
Seminars given in local high-schools to increase public awarness of science and in particular physics;
A great promotional video for the LISA space-based gravitational wave observatory
A TEDx talk by Carlos Herdeiro on gravitational radiation (in Portuguese).
Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan (with Portuguese subtitles) - a scientific poem.
A unique color video footage on Albert Einstein
Rare footage on the 1927 Solvay Physics Conference
Fun to Imagine (and related videos), by Richard Feynman - a genius at work! In particular this one on Magnetism, is a pearl.
Take the world from a different point of view, with Richard Feynman: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
A TEDx talk with Michelle Feynman (Feynman's daughter) and the producer of the BBC shows on Feynman, with some interesting highlights of these shows.
Albert Einstein (History Channel) - a personal and scientific biography of Albert Einstein, with a fascinating and detailed description of the various eclipse expeditions to prove his General Theory of Relativity.
Please contact any of us (emails provided in the People subpage) if you would like to suggest us outreach activities with our participation.
Check out Gr@v member Miguel Zilhão explaining "How do we find planets", an outreach video (in Portuguese).
Talking about the Universe, black holes and what a scientist does was the challenge for the "Meeting with a Scientist" event, with Gr@v's C. Herdeiro, organized by Fábrica, the outreach centre in Aveiro (Centro Ciência Viva). The audience (fourth graders) really proved the famed curiosity of the young ones.
Gazeta de Física, the Bulletin of the Portuguese Physics Society, has devoted a special issue to Black Holes, with guest editors. C. Herdeiro and J. S. Lemos, featuring 12 papers from scientists working in Portugal on this exciting and timely topic.
Posing with our new group T-shirt in a beautiful sunny December day! Joining us is also Massimo Vaglio, visiting from the University of Rome.
A call for a 1 year grant for a M.Sc.holder, within the research grant “Testing the Kerr hypothesis with gravitational waves and lensing", PTDC/FIS-AST/3041/2020, is open. The call closes on June 30th 2021.
See attached documents for details or the eracareers announcement here.
Celebrating the 2020 Physics Nobel Prize for Black Holes, here is an outreach article published in Gazeta de Física (published by the Portuguese Physics Society) by C. Herdeiro. The article pdf can be found in attachment.
Celebrating the international day of Mathematics, March 14th, which is also Einstein's birthday, C. Herdeiro gave an outreach talk in the Maths Dept. of Aveiro on "Pi and Einstein: from the Universe of Geometry to the Geometry of the Universe". It can be seen here (in Portuguese).
The article "Traversable wormholes in Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell theory", recently published in Phys. Rev. Lett. as Editor's suggestion, co-authered by Gr@v member Eugen Radu, was featured in Physics.
A recent paper co-authored by Gr@v in Physical Review Letters, interpreting GW190521 as a collision of bosonic stars (rather than black holes) was covered in the 17 February 2021 BBC Science Focus issue on dark stars.
The December 2020 issue of the Aveiro University magazine "Linhas UA" includes a feature article covering work at Gr@v and the mysteries of black holes. Check this issue here.