CIDMA meeting 2025
The CIDMA meetin 2025 took place on January 20th 2025. Our group contributed with two presentations by C. Herdeiro and R. Luna. The meeting webpage can be found here.
Astrophysics is an area concerning various physical ranging from planetary sized systems, to galactic scale systems and beyond, that intersects various disciplines such as Newtonian dynamics, relativistic physics and particle physics processes.
For our latest developments/activities in this area, please see the listing below at the end of this article.
An exoplanet is a planet outside the Solar System. In the Milky Way galaxy, it is expected that there are many billions of planets (at least one planet, on average, orbiting around each star, resulting in 100–400 billion exoplanets), with many more free-floating planetary-mass bodies orbiting the galaxy directly.
We study the long-term dynamics of known multi-planet systems. This allow us to test the accuracy of the orbital parameters' determinations, as well as to understand how these systems evolved. We also look for the stable zones in the gaps between already-known planets in order to determine where is it possible to locate Earth-like planets.
See here a movie made by the PhD Animation on "Exoplanets Explained", for a review on the main observational methods used to detect exoplanets.
The CIDMA meetin 2025 took place on January 20th 2025. Our group contributed with two presentations by C. Herdeiro and R. Luna. The meeting webpage can be found here.
Nuno M. Santos successfullly defended his Ph.D. thesis on January 10 2025. The defense was online and the degree awarded with distinction from IST-Lisbon. Well done Nuno and all the best for what comes next!
Gr@v co-authored the article in the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine, with title “Next-generation chemotherapy treatments based on black hole algorithms: From cancer remission to chronic disease management”. This is an interdisciplinary research applying ideas from black hole physics to create a new methodology in chemotherapy treatments. See here the UA coverage.
The XVII black holes workshop took place at the University of Aveiro, from 19-20 December 2024. Over 70 participants got involved into two intense days of seminars and discussions on this growing and fascinating research topic. See you all in Lisbon in 2025! UA coverage here.
Gr@v members C. Herdeiro, H. Olivares, and J. Novo delivered talks in the workshop "Lensing and Wave Optics in Strong Gravity", held at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) in Vienna, Austria, from December 9-14th. The workshop also featured contributions from Gr@v members I. Sengo and P. Cunha, with P. Cunha additionally serving as a co-organizer.