Strong Gravity
The group's research on strong gravity involves finding analytical and numerical solutions of Einstein's theory of general relativity, and many of its extensions, either in vacuum or coupled to various types of matter. For our latest developments/activities in this area, please see the listing at the end of this article.
The prime examples of (relativistic) strong gravitational systems are Black Holes. They are truly unifying objects of all physics. The understanding of their formation and dynamics requires the laws of all four fundamental forces, and their physics is relevant not only for astrophysics and cosmology but for a variety of topics within high energy physics.
See here a movie made by the COST action `Black holes in a violent universe', in which our group participates, for a visual overview of different types of black holes.
Latest Strong Gravity News & Events
An Overview of the magnetized advective flows around black holes

Abstract: TBD
Discussion of the paper "Blandford-Znajek process in vacuo and its holographic dual", by T. Jacobson, and M. J. Rodriguez
Blandford-Znajek process in vacuo and its holographic dual
Ted Jacobson, Maria J. Rodriguez
NewFunFiCO meeting on Compact Objects, Shadows, and Gravitational Waves 2025
A meeting of the NewFunFiCO network will take place in Valencia, from 20-22 May 2025. More information can be found here.
Visits of Luis Crispino and Kunihito Uzawa
In the last week of January 2025 we received the visits of Profs. Luis Carlos Crispino and Kunihito Uzawa. Great to have you here!