Data for Dipole Boson Stars

Here, numerical data described in the paper "Two boson stars in equilibrium", arXiv:2210.01833, is made available for public use.

The attachment "", contains the data files:
- configuration-I.dat
- configuration-II.dat
- configuration-III.dat

These files correspond to the three representative dipolar BS (DBS) solutions among those described in the paper above. These solutions are:

Configuration I   : 
a DBS belonging to the main branch  before the critical solution with maximal mass;                   
- the input parameter:  \omega=0.9;                   
- ADM mass=0.9613; Noether charge Q=0.9884


Configuration II   : 
a  DBS belonging to the main branch  after the critical solution with maximal mass;                   
-  the input parameter:   \omega=0.8                   
- ADM mass= 1.0156 ; Noether charge Q= 1.0484


Configuration III   : 

a  DBS belonging to the secondary branch  (after the minimal frequency);                   
-  the input parameter:   \omega=0.75                  
- ADM mass= 0.6578 ; Noether charge Q= 0.5715


The data is presented in the following order, in the files (F_i, \phi, are the metric and scalar functions used in the paper):


x_1   theta_1 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_2   theta_1 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_251 theta_1 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi

x_1   theta_2 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_2   theta_2 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_251 theta_2 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi

x_1   theta_50 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_2   theta_50 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi
x_251 theta_50 F_1 F_2 F_0  \phi


where the grid points are:

x_k=(k-1)/250 (k=1,..,251)  


theta_k=pi/2*(k-1)/49 (k=1,..,50)

The corresponding values for pi/2< \theta \leq pi result from the reflection symmetry of the solutions along the equatorial plane.

x=r/(1+r) is a compactified radial coordinate,  0 \leq x \leq 1.


File attachments