
Cosmology is the study of the large scale structure of the Universe, as well as its dynamics. Our group has been involved in the study and development of cosmological models, in particular to explain the accelerated phases of the cosmological evolution, dubbed inflationary phases.

For our latest developments/activities in this area, please see the listing below.

Latest Cosmology Publications

A convenient gauge for virial identities in axial symmetry, J. M. S. Oliveira, A. M. Pombo;     Phys. Lett. B 837 (2023) 137646; arXiv:2207.12451 [gr-qc].

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CDF II W-mass anomaly faces first-order electroweak phase transition, A. Addazi, A. Marciano, A. P. Morais, R. Pasechnik, H. Yang; Eur. Phys. J. C 83 (2023) 207; arXiv:2204.10315 [hep-ph].

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Regular Articles
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Gravitational-Wave Signatures of Chiral-Symmetric Technicolor, Hao Yang, Felipe F. Freitas, Antonino Marciano, António P. Morais, Roman Pasechnik, João Viana; Phys. Lett. B 830 (2022) 137162, arXiv:2204.00799 [hep-ph].

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Virial identities in relativistic gravity: 1D effective actions and the role of boundary terms, Carlos A. R. Herdeiro, João M. S. Oliveira, Alexandre M. Pombo, Eugen Radu; Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 104051, arXiv:2109.05027 [gr-qc].

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Impact of SM parameters and of the vacua of the Higgs potential in gravitational waves detection, Felipe F. Freitas, Gabriel Lourenço, António P. Morais, André Nunes, João Olívia, Roman Pasechnik, Rui Santos, João Viana; JCAP 03 (2022) 03, 046, arXiv:2108.12810 [hep-ph].

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Regular Articles
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Latest Cosmology News & Events

12 million CPU-hours awarded to our group

A computing proposal prepared by S. Gimeno-Soler, P. Cunha, I. Sengo and C. Herdeiro, and led by H. Olivares was awarded with 12 million CPU-hours at the supercomputer Mare Nostrum 5.
The project, titled "Exploring accretion and spacetime models for event-horizon-scale observations of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei", will explore new models of accretion flows and spacetime geometries for the targets of the Event Horizon Telescope using simulations as the one shown in the picture (Image credit: H. Olivares and P. Cunha).