High Energy Physics

High energy physics involves the study of the fundamental building blocks of nature at the shortest distances. These are the fundamental particles that are described by quantum fields such as the Higgs field found at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Our group studies theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics both from theoretical and phenomenological perspectives.

For our latest developments/activities in this area, please see the listing below.

Latest High Energy Physics Publications

Fluctuations and Correlations in Causal Set Theory, H. Moradi, Y. K. Yazdi, M. Zilhão; arXiv:2407.03395 [gr-qc].

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Reissner-Nordström dyonic black holes with gauged scalar hair, C. Herdeiro, E. Radu, Y. Shnir; arXiv:2406.10643 [hep-th].

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 Universal Relations for Rotating Scalar and Vector Boson Stars, C. Adam, J. C. Mourelle, E. S. C. Filho, C. A. R. Herdeiro, A. Wereszczynski; arXiv:2406.07613 [gr-qc].

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Einstein-(complex)-Maxwell static boson stars in AdS, C. Herdeiro, H. Huang, J. Kunz, E. Radu; arXiv:2405.10671 [gr-qc].

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Aspects of regular and singular electromagnetic-generalized-quasitopological-gravities black holes in (2+1) dimensions, J. Oliveira, R. D. B. Fontana, A. B. Pavan; arXiv:2401.10025 [gr-qc].

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Regular Articles
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