Antonio Morais

Full Name: António de Aguiar e Pestana de Morais

Position: Long term research fellow - First Level Doctorate Researcher (6 years)



-Lisbon University: B.Sc (Licenciatura) in Physics, 2007

-Lisbon University: M.Sc in Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2009           

-University of Glasgow: Ph.D. in Theoretical Particle Physics, 2014    


Previous positions:

-Aveiro Univeristy, Physics Department, 2014-2015 and 2016-2019, Postdoctoral Researcher

-Lund University, Physics Department, 2015-2016, Postdoctoral Researcher

-Aveiro Univeristy, Physics Department, 2019-     , Junior Researcher



My research is focused in new physics beyond that of the Standard Model of elementary particles. I am interested in both theoretical and phenomenological aspects and my research is promoting a synergy that goes from collider experiments all the way to cosmological and astrophysical implications of new physics. Currently, my main focus is in finding a first principles explanation to simultaneously address the lepton magnetic and B-physics anomalies, together with neutrino masses and dark matter. On the collider side, I am interested in scalar leptoquarks and vector-like fermions due to their tantalizing relevance to address the flavour anomalies and neutrino properties. Another research direction I am recently involved aims at exploring the possibility of an ultralight dark matter component in the Universe. Such particles can have rather relevant astrophysical consequences such as forming clumps known as bosonic stars. For a complete list of publications see my Inspire HEP profile in this link



- Quantum Mechanics (2014/15-2017/18), Aveiro University (Coordinator C. Hedeiro)

- Quantum Mechanics (2018/19), Aveiro University (Coordinator V. Amaral)

  • Quantum Mechanics solved problems here.

- An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics (2018/19), Organized by EPS Young Minds, Aveiro University; Lecture notes in English

- Standard Model I (MAP-Fis 2021/22)

- Standard Model II (MAP-Fis 2021/22)


Office: 13.3.28

Phone: +351 234 378 102 (ext. 23152)
