High Energy Physics News & Events

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CIDMA Meeting 2021

The 2021 CIDMA meeting was held on January 21st 2021, online. Our group was represented by Felipe Freitas who discussed the applicability of machine learning techniques from particle physics and gravitational waves to medical applications. Watch here the talks of the 2021 CIDMA meeting.

Neutron stars in screened modified gravity

Alexandru Dima (SISSA, Trieste)
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Screened modified gravity is inherently elusive: screening mechanisms suppress the propagation of additional gravitational degrees of freedom in typical astrophysical scenarios, allowing these theories to avoid constraints coming from weak field observations.

Searching for ultralight bosons with black holes and gravitational waves: a status update

Richard Brito (Sapienza University of Rome)
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online (only)
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Ultralight bosonic fields are compelling dark-matter candidates and arise in a variety of beyond-Standard-Model scenarios. These fields can tap energy and angular momentum from spinning black holes through superradiant instabilities, during which a macroscopic bosonic condensate develops around the black hole.

João Oliveira's Ph.D. defense

João Oliveira successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on Friday 20th November 2020. The committee, presided by Prof. A. Botelho and composed by Profs. D. Astefanesi, M. Zilhão, M. Piedade Ramos, E. Radu and C. Herdeiro (advisor) unanimously approved the thesis entitled "Aspects of Einstein-Maxwell-scalar models: Solitons, Duality and Scalarisation". Congratulations João!