High Energy Physics News & Events

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Kobra: a Vlasov Code with AMR

GGD - Gr@V seminar
Sebastian Konewko (Gent University)
Event date
Hybrid: Sala Sousa Pinto and Zoom
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Plasmas in fusion reactors are highly prone to instabilities. Edge-localized modes (ELMs) occurring at the scrape-off layer (SOL) are instabilities that are responsible for large energy losses in the plasma core and present large potential for damage to the plasma-facing components.

Discussion of the paper "Impact of theoretical uncertainties on model parameter reconstruction from GW signals sourced by cosmological phase transitions", by Marek Lewicki, et al.

João Pedro Pino (U. Aveiro)
Event date
Hybrid: Room Sousa Pinto and Zoom
Ends on
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Impact of theoretical uncertainties on model parameter reconstruction from GW signals sourced by cosmological phase transitions

Marek Lewicki, Marco Merchand, Laura Sagunski, Philipp Schicho, Daniel Schmitt