Nuno Santos Ph.D. exam
Nuno M. Santos successfullly defended his Ph.D. thesis on January 10 2025. The defense was online and the degree awarded with distinction from IST-Lisbon. Well done Nuno and all the best for what comes next!
Nuno M. Santos successfullly defended his Ph.D. thesis on January 10 2025. The defense was online and the degree awarded with distinction from IST-Lisbon. Well done Nuno and all the best for what comes next!
The XVII black holes workshop took place at the University of Aveiro, from 19-20 December 2024. Over 70 participants got involved into two intense days of seminars and discussions on this growing and fascinating research topic. See you all in Lisbon in 2025! UA coverage here.
Gr@v co-authored the article in the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine, with title “Next-generation chemotherapy treatments based on black hole algorithms: From cancer remission to chronic disease management”. This is an interdisciplinary research applying ideas from black hole physics to create a new methodology in chemotherapy treatments. See here the UA coverage.
Plasmas in fusion reactors are highly prone to instabilities. Edge-localized modes (ELMs) occurring at the scrape-off layer (SOL) are instabilities that are responsible for large energy losses in the plasma core and present large potential for damage to the plasma-facing components.
Carolina Benone, former group member, within a joint Ph.D. with UFPA-Brazil, was one of the winners of the 19th edition of "For Women in Science", an initiative carried out by the L’Oréal Group in Brazil in partnership with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and UNESCO. Congratulations Carolina! More info here.
The VI Amazonian Symposium on Physics took place in UFPA, Belém, Brazil, from 18-22 November 2024, also with the partnership of the NewFunFiCO network. Many exciting talks and science and the unsurpassable hosting by the UFPA group and Brazilian collegues.
C. Herdeiro gave an invited colloquium at Scuola Superiore Meridionale, in Naples, overlooking the powerful Vesuvius. The colloquium took place in the premises of Accademia Pontaniana, the oldest Academy in Europe
Impact of theoretical uncertainties on model parameter reconstruction from GW signals sourced by cosmological phase transitions
Marek Lewicki, Marco Merchand, Laura Sagunski, Philipp Schicho, Daniel Schmitt
Energy momentum tensor, stability, and the D-term of Q-balls
Manuel Mai, Peter Schweitzer
arXiv:1206.2632 [hep-ph] |
The VI Amazonian Symposium on Physics will take place in Belém, Brazil, from 18-22 November 2024, jointly organized and with a strong participation of our group and integrated in the NewFunFiCO network.