Strong Gravity News & Events

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Numerical evolutions with the Kadath library: Application to the Schwarzschild black hole and Teukolsky gravitational waves

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Jordan Nicoules (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Event date
On-site: Room TBD
Event type

Numerical Relativity is a key tool for the study of strong-field gravity. I will present a new evolution code, based on the Kadath library. It relies on multidomain spectral methods for the space discretization, and explicit time integration schemes.

Beyond Einstein: An assessment of higher curvature gravity,

Sudipta Sarkar (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India)
Event date
Hybrid: Room Sousa Pinto and Zoom
Ends on
Event type

The Einstein-Hilbert action is the simplest possible generally covariant action for gravity. While Einstein's equations conform with all observational data, theoretical considerations suggest the possibility to add higher curvature correction terms to Einstein's theory.

From Hubble to Bubble - gravitational waves from phase transitions after inflation

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Andreas Mantziris (University of Porto)
Event date
Hybrid: Sala Sousa Pinto and Zoom
Event type

The prospect of a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background from the primordial universe offers a promising new window for cosmology and fundamental physics.

Numerical evolution of well-posed field theories with anisotropic scaling

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Marcelo Rubio (SISSA, Trieste)
Event date
On-site: Room TBD
Event type
Dynamical equations exhibiting an anisotropic scaling between space 
and time admit a dispersive nature, as they contain higher-order spatial derivatives, 
but remain second order in time.