Two positions for a Researcher (with Ph.D.) are open within the project Towards Precision Tests of Ultralight Dark Matter with Gravitational Imaging Waves. Application deadline: March 13, 2025. More info in Euraxess.
One of the most efficient energy sources in the universe is the matter accretion onto compact objects, such as black holes (BHs) and neutron stars (NSs). Since magnetic fields are ubiquitous everywhere, the accretion flow is expected to be magnetized in nature, where the large-scale magnetic fields inside the disks are commonly rooted either from the companion star or the interstellar medium.
On January 29th the group got together to celebrate the new position, as assistant professor of António Morais, at the U. Minho, and the Ph.D. thesis of Nuno M. Santos. Congratulations to both!
The CIDMA meetin 2025 took place on January 20th 2025. Our group contributed with two presentations by C. Herdeiro and R. Luna. The meeting webpage can be found here.
Nuno M. Santos successfullly defended his Ph.D. thesis on January 10 2025. The defense was online and the degree awarded with distinction from IST-Lisbon. Well done Nuno and all the best for what comes next!
Our group coordinated the "Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics" IRSES network (2012-2015). Here is a list of the global network meetings organized: