"Modified and quantum gravity" book
Springer published the book "Modified and quantum gravity: from theory to experimental searches on all scales" (2023), with a contribution from Gr@v.
Springer published the book "Modified and quantum gravity: from theory to experimental searches on all scales" (2023), with a contribution from Gr@v.
The XIV School of the Division of Gravitation and Mathematical Physics of the Mexican Physics Society and the VIIIth Scalar field dark matter workshop took place from 25-29 Sep 2023 and 29-30 Sep 2023 in Cancun, Mexico. Gr@v members C. Herdeiro and H. Olivares, as well as former member J. C. Degollado were amongst the invited speaks, and A. Morais presented also a communication.
A call for a 2-year post-doctoral research fellowship in Strong Gravity, within the research grant Gravitational waves, black holes, and fundamental physics, 2022.04560.PTDC, is now open until 11 October 2023. To apply, please see the Euraxess announcement here.
The XVI Black Holes Workshop will take place on 19-20 December 2023 at Porto University, co-organized by our group. More info can be found here.
From 4-8 September 2023 the IST Astronomy Summer School gathered enthusiastic high school students to learn about astronomy. Amongst the activities there was a round table with the participation of our grup. The video link of the discussion can be found here.
The "New horizons for Psi school and workshop" will take place at IST Lisbon, 1-5 July 2024, with the participation of Gr@v members as speakers.
C. Herdeiro gave an invited colloquium at the Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk of the University of Oslo Norway on September 1st 2023.
The paper "Two spinning black holes balanced by their synchronised scalar hair", describing the first construction of two asymptotically flat, neutral, spinning black holes in equilibrium, regular on and outside their event horizon, supported by their "hair", was published in Physical Review Letters and highlighted as Editors' Suggestion.
A call for a 12-month research grant in Strong Gravity for M.Sc.