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An Overview of the magnetized advective flows around black holes

GGD - Gr@V seminar
Samik Mitra (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)
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Online only
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One of the most efficient energy sources in the universe is the matter accretion onto compact objects, such as black holes (BHs) and neutron stars (NSs). Since magnetic fields are ubiquitous everywhere, the accretion flow is expected to be magnetized in nature, where the large-scale magnetic fields inside the disks are commonly rooted either from the companion star or the interstellar medium.

Post-doctoral grant

An 8-month post-doctoral grant is open within the project 2024.05617.CERN, "Towards precision tests of ultralight dark matter with imaging and gravitational waves". Applications should be submitted between 15 December 2024 and 5 January 2025. More info in the attached files and the Euraxess site.