High Energy Physics News & Events

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Extra dimensions, black holes and fireballs at the LHC

Anastasios Taliotis (Vrije U., Brussels)
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GAP room
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Abstract: The collision of two gravitationally interacting, ultra-relativistic, extended sources is being examined. This investigation classifies the transverse distributions that are collided according to whether one or two (a small and a large) apparent horizons may or may not be formed in a flat background in 4 dimensions.

Avoiding death by vacuum and other 2HDM stories

Rui Santos (CFTC, U. Lisbon)
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: I will report on how some versions of the 2-Higgs doublet model (2HDM) are doing when confronted with the LHC data. I will also discuss some interesting limits of 2HDMs and in particular the case of degenerate scalars. Finally I will discuss how the LHC results help us to sleep safe at night. 

A first course on Quantum Field Theory

Marco O.P. Sampaio
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GAP room
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This is an introductory course on quantum field theory, focusing on particle physics and relativistic applications, though some of the tools may also be applied to condensed matter systems. The level will be aimed at 3rd/4th year Physics students, so there will be revision lectures to set the notation and background on quantum mechanics and special relativity.

QFT on Quantum Bianchi I Space-time

Yaser Tavakoli (Univ. da Beira Interior)
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: In this talk we discuss the quantum theory of a scalar field on LQC Bianchi I geometry. By focusing on single modes of the scalar field, we show that, evolution of the quantum field on the background quantum space-time leads to a classical effective geometry emerging whose components depend on the quantum geometrical operators.

NRHEP Network First Meeting

NRHEP first meeting's poster
Event date
Physics Amphitheatre
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The first meeting of the Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics Network took place at Aveiro University, from 9-13 July 2012. This meeting brought together researchers from Brazil, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the USA, to discuss the state of the art in relativistic gravity and its application in various contexts, ranging from astrophysics to particle physics, using both anaytical and numerical techniques.