High Energy Physics News & Events

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The Beauty of Self-Duality

Luiz Agostinho Ferreira (Universidade de São Paulo)
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online (only)
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Topological solitons play an important role in many areas of Physics. In some cases they constitute the {\em normal modes} of field theories in the strong coupling regime. There is a class of topological solitons that are special. They are solutions of first order differential equations (self-dual eqs.) that also solve the second order Euler-Lagrange equations.

A model for mixed warm and hot light dark matter

Vinicius Oliveira (Universidade de Paraíba)
Event date
Sala Sousa Pinto (only in Campus)
Event type

Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are by far the most extensively studied class of cold dark matter (CDM) as the correct dark matter abundance is easily reproduced with cross sections around the weak scale. They have been extensively searched for by many experiments (direct and indirect detection, and colliders) with no success.

Jorge Delgado's Ph.D. Exam

Jorge Delgado successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, entitled "Spinning Black holes with scalar hair and horizonless compact objects within and beyond General Relativity" on March 24 2022. The Ph.D. committee included José Pedro (President, UA), Betti Hartmann (UCL), Yasha Shnir (JINR), Luis Crispino (UFPA), Lara Sousa (IA, UP) and Carlos Herdeiro (UA, advisor). The thesis was co-advised by Eugen Radu. Congratulations Jorge!

C. Herdeiro becomes associate editor for EPJC

Starting from March 2022, C. Herdeiro was appointed member of the editorial board (associate editor) of the European Physical Journal C (EPJC), for the section "Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity - Fundamental and Formal Aspects". EPJC is a leading international journal on this research topic with over 2M downloads in 2021 and an impact factor of 4.590 (2020). See UA coverage here.