New Gr@v research students
Four new research students have joined Gr@v this fall: Jenzhi Yang, Ivo Sengo, Vasileios Vatellis and João Pino. Welcome!
Four new research students have joined Gr@v this fall: Jenzhi Yang, Ivo Sengo, Vasileios Vatellis and João Pino. Welcome!
Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, the only member of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra collaboration working in Portugal, officially joined Gr@v and our research unit CIDMA. After his Ph.D. from the University of Valencia, Nico worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CENTRA-IST. He is an expert on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves from dynamical binaries. Welcome Nico!
Watch here a talk on the 2020 Nobel Physics Prize given by C. Herdeiro at the invitation of the Centre for Theoretical and Computational Physics of the University of Lisbon.
C. Herdeiro delivered an invited 5 lectures mini-course for Beijing Normal University on "Asymptotically flat black holes with hair in D=4", from October 13 to 27. The host was Professor Hongbao Zhang.
The XIII Black Holes workshop will take place in Lisbon, on the 21-22 December 2020.
Pre-recorded seminar video, part of the computational Imaging SPACE Webinar Series (available on youtube).
Stellar Compact object mergers are not only important sources of gravitational waves but also central engines that power electromagnetic transients and r-processes, if matter is involved. I will review recent progress modeling the merger of black hole-neutron star and neutron stars binaries highlighting state-of-the-art general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations.
A novel approach in constructing deviations of the Kerr spacetime whereas
the symmetries can be preserved is presented. The method was applied
trivially in all known classical black-hole spacetimes tested, while
provides the possibility of testing and inventing deformations of Kerr in
a quick and innovative way. The methodology is based on earlier work by
Gravitational Radiation from Colliding Black Holes
S. W. Hawking
Phys. Rev. Lett. 26 (1971) 1344-1346