Strong Gravity News & Events

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Electrically charged black holes supported by non-linear electrodynamics

Diego Rubiera-Garcia (Oviedo University)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: In this talk we discuss several aspects of black holes with electric charge within General Relativity. We first consider the historical context and different applications of non-linear electrodynamics in the physics of black holes and Cosmology.

Miguel Zilhão

Position: Long term research fellow - CEEC Assistant researcher (6 years, 2023-29)
(previously) Researcher (hired by research grant PTDC/FIS-AST/3041/2020)


Previous positions:
- 2017-2021, Research Scientist Investigator FCT, CENTRA, IST-Lisbon, Portugal
- 2014-2017, Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona, Spain
- 2012-2014, Post-doctoral researcher at the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA


Carlos Herdeiro - Research

Some of my research interests are:

o Black hole physics

o General relativity, numerical relativity and gravitational radiation

o Supergravity, string theories and the gauge/gravity duality

o Differential geometry

o Casimir effect and quantum field theory

o Cosmology and inflationary models

Some distinctions/awards:

Welcome to Gr@v

Gr@v is a team of researchers, based at the Mathematics and Physics Department of Aveiro University, Portugal, working on strong gravity and high energy physics. The group was established in 2010. In January 2015 Gr@v integrated the FCT funded CIDMA research unit (UIDB/04106/2020 and UIDP/04106/2020), as the Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics research group. The group scientific coordinator is C. Herdeiro.