Strong Gravity News & Events

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Numerical data and Mathematica notebooks for quasi-Kerr hairy black holes

Here, the numerical data described in Fig. 4 of the paper "Kerr black holes with synchronised hair: an analytic model and dynamical formation", arXiv:1706.06597, together with an explanatory pdf file and two Mathematica notebooks, is made available for public use.

The data consists of four solutions of Kerr black holes with scalar hair and six solutions of Kerr black holes with Proca hair. These families of solutions were first presented in the papers:

Weyl metrics and wormholes

Mikhail Volkov (LMPT, U. Tours)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: We study wormhole solutions obtained via applying dualities and complexifications to the vacuum Weyl metrics generated by massive rods and by point masses. The most interesting finding are wormholes with locally flat geometry supported by rings of negative energy.

Scattering and plunging trajectories in Schwarzschild spacetime

Seth Hopper (CENTRA - IST)
Event date
GAP room
Event type
Abstract: The recent LIGO detections of merging black holes represent the culmination of decades of research into gravitational waves (GWs). One well-known seminal work by Peters and Mathews predicted the GW luminosity of eccentric binaries to leading post-Newtonian (PN) order. Driven largely by the desire to detect GWs from inspirals, the Peters-Mathews work has subsequently been extended through 3.5PN. Less well-known is work by Taylor, which is directly analogous to the Peters-Mathews result, except for scattering binaries. This work has only been extended by one PN order.

@ LIGO Livingston

Gr@v members Pedro Cunha and Carlos Herdeiro at the LIGO LIvingston Control Room, in the state of Louisiana, USA, during a visit to the site. More exciting news should be announced in the summer by the collaboration!