Astrophysics News & Events

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Celebration group lunch

Celebrating the recent "UA Investigador" prize and the group's many (great) guests on Mar 7th 2023. Thank you to Prof. Carolina Benone (U. F. do Pará, Brazil) for the visit and welcome to Prof. Maurício Richartz (U. F. ABC, Brazil), who is joining us for a month. And we also got the short visit of Francisco Duque, from IST-Lisbon, who presented the group seminar on Mar 8th.

High Energy Physics Colloquium at the University of Cagliari

On February 23, Gr@v member Lorenzo Annulli gave an invited seminar at the University of Cagliari and INFN - Cagliari Unit, in the beautiful seaside city of Cagliari, Sardinia. The seminar, entitled "The close limit approximation of compact objects: black holes, horizonless bodies and future applications" , focused on black holes, gravitational waves and their physics.

Lorenzo has been hosted by Prof. Mariano Cadoni, Andrea Sanna, Mauro Oi and the HEP Colloquia Organizing Committee; many thanks to all of them!

Gravitational Waves from Extreme-Mass-Ratio Systems in Astrophysical Environments

Francisco Duque (IST and CENTRA)
Event date
Hybrid Sala 11.2.21 (Math dpt) and Zoom
Event type

Gravitational waves carry unique information about the compact objects that generate them and the underlying gravitational theory describing them, which has allowed us to test General Relativity and the nature of black holes with unprecedented precision. In addition, they can also bear precious information about the astrophysical environments where binaries coalesce.