Here, the numerical data described in the paper "Black holes with synchronised Proca hair: linear clouds and fundamental non-linear solutions", arXiv:2004.09536 [gr-qc] [1], is made available for public use.
This data pertains the fundamental states (n=0) of these hairy black holes and spinning Proca stars. Some data for the excited states (n=1) was previously made available here.
Advanced interferometric techniques as those employed in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and GRAVITY recently allowed to study the environment of the two nearest supermassive black hole candidates at horizon-scale resoluton.
Group members Sonia Anton and Carlos Herdeiro, as well as Tiago Campante from IA and U. Porto, participated in the outreach activity "Café de Ciência", at Fábrica, Centro de Ciência Viva de Aveiro, as part of the conference cycle "À descoberta do Universo" promoted by Tiago Campante.
Our group coordinated the "Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics" IRSES network (2012-2015). Here is a list of the global network meetings organized: