Astrophysics News & Events
Rodrigo Vicente, a Ph.D. student co-advised in our group, successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on "The Gravity of Classical Fields and its effect on the Dynamics of Gravitational Systems", at IST Lisbon on September 21st 2021. Congratulations Rodrigo!
The COST Advanced School on the "Physics of Dark Matter and Hidden Sectors" will take place in Lund, Sweeden, from October 18-21st 2021. Gr@v members C. Herdeiro, A. Morais and F. Freitas are amongst the invited lecturers.
The Gr@v paper "Kerr black holes with scalar hair" reached the landmark of 500 citations in the INSPIRE database.
The Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting 2021 took place online from 13-16 September 2021, organized by our group. With over 200 registered participants and 95 talks (invited, contributed and one public lecture), the meeting exhibited the interdisciplinarity of this thriving field. Talk slides can be found in the program webpage. We hope to have a face to face EREP 2022!
E. Barausse (SISSA, Italy) and C. Herdeiro (Gr@v) are the guest editors for a Classical and Quantum Gravity Focus issue on the Impact of EHT Observations for General Relativity. For more information see the focus issue webpage.
Lorenzo Annulli (Ph.D. IST-Lisbon, 2021) and Etevaldo Costa Filho (M.Sc. U. São Paulo, 2020), joined our group as a new post-doctoral researcher and Ph.D. student, respectively, from the fall 2021. Welcome!
The XIV Black Holes Workshop will be held at the University of Aveiro, on 20-21 December 2021. Registration was open on September 1st 2021. See the webpage for more information.
Guilherme Raposo (left, Ph.D. from Rome, La Sapienza, 2021) joined our group in a partnership with IST-Lisbon from July 2021. Welcome Guilherme! João Novo (middle) and João Pino (right) were awarded individual FCT PhD scholarships in the 2021 call. Congratulations to both!