Nico farewell lunch
Nico Sanchis-Gual is moving back to Valencia (his alma mater) and we celebrated Nico's friendship and collaboration with the group with a farewell lunch. See you soon Nico!
Nico Sanchis-Gual is moving back to Valencia (his alma mater) and we celebrated Nico's friendship and collaboration with the group with a farewell lunch. See you soon Nico!
Gravitational waves detected from the GW170817 neutron star merger event and complementary information from its electromagnetic counterpart were pivotal in confirming the broad picture describing the possible outcomes of a binary neutron star (BNS) merger. In order to study this challenging event through numerical relativity, it is needed to start from an initial configuration.
The Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) announced the 5th edition of the individual call to scientific employment stimulus, open from February 3rd 2022 to March 3rd 2022, for researchers with a Ph.D. and including four different seniority levels. Applications require the support of a host research unit. Researchers wishing to join our group should contact the group coordinator (C. Herdeiro).
Miguel Zilhão joins Gr@v from January 1st 2022 under a two-years research position. Miguel is an expert on strong gravity, in particular in numerical relativity, a technique he has applied in multiple contexts, ranging from astrophysics to AdS/CFT. He was a former Ph.D. student in Porto University and Gr@v (graduated in 2012) and since then has been a researcher at Rochester Institute of Technology (USA), University of Barcelona (Spain) and IST-Lisbon. Welcome Miguel!
Two Gr@v projects, one led by A. Morais and another by C. Herdeiro, were funded in the FCT-CERN IC&DT call for proposals. More info here.
The XIV Black Holes Workshop took place at the University of Aveiro, on 20-21 December 2021, organized by our group, gathering more than 80 researchers to discuss the (astro)physics and mathematics of black holes. It was really great to have a real face to face meeting, even if we could only take off the mask (momentarily) for the group photo. Thank you to all participants!
Gazeta de Física, the Bulletin of the Portuguese Physics Society, has devoted a special issue to Black Holes, with guest editors. C. Herdeiro and J. S. Lemos, featuring 12 papers from scientists working in Portugal on this exciting and timely topic.
Read the U. Aveiro coverage on the Stanford University researcher's ranking, led by John P. A. Ioannidis, that features several Gr@v members.
A call for two 10 months research grants in Strong Gravity/High Energy Physics, for M.Sc. holders enrolled in a doctoral programme at Aveiro University, within the research grant “Testing the Kerr hypothesis with gravitational waves and lensing", PTDC/FIS-AST/3041/2020, is open from 1 to 20 December 2021. See attached document for details (in Portuguese) or the Euraxess announcement (in Portuguese and English) here.
Nico Sanchis-Gual was one of the 8 selected researchers for a junior grant, nationwide, within 74 applicants in the Physical Sciences panel, in the fourth individual call for scientific employment stimulus, promoted by FCT. Congratulations Nico!