The VII Scalar Field Dark Matter Workshop, organzied by the Mexican Strong Gravity community will take place in León, Guanajuato, México, and online, on the 27-28 October 2022. C. Herdeiro is one of the invited speakers.
Prof. Humberto Campins came to the University of Aveiro to talk about asteroids at the outreach centre "Fábrica Centro de Ciência Viva". Gr@v member M. ZIlhão was one of the hosts, opening the session.
Our collaborator Kunihito Uzawa from Japan together with Zakaria Belkhadria, a Ph.D. student from U. Cagliari, Italy, are our guests this week. Zakaria is visiting us within a short term scientific mission of the COST action CA18108.
In this seminar I will introduce a rigorous and general framework to study systematically self-gravitating elastic materials within general relativity. The formulation that will be presented in this seminar is particularly suitable to investigate the existence and viability, including radial stability, of spherically symmetric elastic stars.
In this talk, we consider a scenario in which an extended reheating scenario can be described analogously to the so-called scalar field dark matter model.
Gr@v member C. Herdeiro was one of the invited speakers of "Física 2022" the 23rd national conference of the Portuguese Physics Society, delivering the talk "Buracos Negros: de uma equação ao Nobel" (photo courtesy of A. Folhas).
A group of Gr@v members, including J. Delgado, A. Pombo, J. Novo, N. Santos and I. Sengo, represented the group at the 2022 Spanish-Portuguese relativity meeting, in Salamanca, delivering talks on their latest work. Former member J. Oliveira, also joined them for the group photo!
Our group coordinated the "Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics" IRSES network (2012-2015). Here is a list of the global network meetings organized: