Cosmology News & Events

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Dynamics of Robertson-Walker spacetimes with diffusion

Artur Alho (CAMGSD - IST)
Event date
GAP room
Event type
Abstract: We study the dynamics of spatially homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes containing a fluid undergoing microscopic velocity diffusion in a cosmological scalar field. After deriving a few exact solutions of the equations, we continue by analyzing the qualitative behavior of general solutions. To this purpose we recast the equations in the form of a two dimensional dynamical system and perform a global analysis of the flow. Among the admissible behaviors, we find solutions that are asymptotically de-Sitter both in the past and future time direction and which undergo accelerated expansion at all times.


Ibericos 2014 poster
Event date
Physics Amphitheatre
Ends on
Event type

The IX Iberian Cosmology Meeting took place in Aveiro, Portugal, at the Physics Department of the University of Aveiro, from the 28th to the 30th of April 2014. This series of meetings is aimed at encouraging the interaction and collaboration between researchers working in Cosmology and related areas (Gravitation, Particle Physics and Astronomy) in Portugal and Spain. Researchers working in other countries will also be most welcome.

Curvature perturbation in multi-field inflation models with non-minimal coupling

Masato Minamitsuji (IST, Lisbon)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: Recent observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) show very good consistency with an inflationary model with non-minimal coupling between the scalar and the inflaton field. Such a model is well motivated in the context of the unified theory, which also predicts the existence of many other scalar fields  in addition to the inflaton.

3-form Cosmology

Nelson Nunes (CAUL, Lisbon U.)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: Three-forms can give rise to viable cosmological scenarios of inflation and dark energy with potentially observable signatures distinct from standard single scalar field models. When applied to inflation, a three-form can provide a scale invariant scalar perturbations power spectrum and I will discuss the effect on primordial non-gaussianity. Finally I will discuss a