Alexandre Pombo
Full Name: Alexandre M. Pombo
Position: PostDoc at CEICO
Degree: PhD in Physics
ORCID: 0000-0002-5815-2758
Full Name: Alexandre M. Pombo
Position: PostDoc at CEICO
Degree: PhD in Physics
ORCID: 0000-0002-5815-2758
Gr@v member António P. Morais gave a talk at Escola Secundária José Régio in Vila do Conde with title "Do Infinitamente Grande ao Infinitamente Pequeno - uma jornada pelas interações fundamentais na natureza". António was an invited speaker to participate in a sequence of seminars entitled "A Biblioteca convida...", and presented to 11th and 12th grade Science and Technology students the four fundamental interactions in nature and how have they shaped our Universe.
Gr@v member Carlos Herdeiro was one of the invited speakers of the 5th UTQuest workshop, with the theme "Hidden Sector Physics and Cosmophysics", that took place at the Yukawa Insitute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
The article "Warm Little Inflaton", co-authored by Gr@v member João G. Rosa and collaborators Mar Bastero-Gil (Granada U.), Arjun Berera (Edinburgh U.) and Rudnei O. Ramos (U.E. Rio de Janeiro) has been published in Physical Review Letters and selected as one of the Editors' Suggestions (a distinction given to about 1 in 6 papers).
The paper "Testing General Relativity with past and present Astrophysical Observations" co-authored by several Gr@v members, is one of CQG's highlights for 2015.