High Energy Physics News & Events

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Numerical convergence of model Cauchy-Characteristic Extraction and Matching

Thanasis Giannakopoulos (Nottingham University)
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The detection of gravitational waves is a powerful tool in our quest to deepen our understanding of fundamental physics. To make the most out of this tool, we need to accurately simulate the whole process of gravitational wave emission, propagation and detection by interferometers.

Minimum length scale and quantum black holes

Roberto Casadio (Bologna University and INFN)
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The idea that the Planck length can act as a regulator of UV divergences has inspired various approaches to quantum gravity, but a possibly much larger width for the ground state emerges in the (non-perturbative) quantisation of the Oppenheimer-Snyder model of dust collapse that naturally recovers Bekenstein’s area law.

Quantisation of a charged scalar field on Reissner-Nordström spacetime

Visakan Balakumar (Sheffield University)
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It is well known that a classical charged scalar field on Reissner-Nordström spacetime undergoes superradiant scattering. By quantising the field, via canonical quantisation, we investigate the subtleties that superradiant scattering presents in the quantisation of the field.