High Energy Physics News & Events

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The fate of the light-ring instability

In the paper "The fate of the light-ring instability" Gr@v members P. Cunha, C. Herdeiro and E. Radu, together with former member, currently at the U. Valencia, N. Sanchis-Gual, have unveiled the mystery of the fate of a large class of horizonless ultracompact objects, that could be potential black hole foils.



A long standing intriguing possibility is if the astrophysical black hole candidates could be some other kind of mysterious objects but without event horizons, the defining property of black holes.

Gr@v joins EuCAPT

Gr@v is one of the 126 groups/institutions that joined the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT). EuCAPT purpose is to bring together theoretical cosmologists and astroparticle physicists across Europe aiming at increasing the exchange of ideas, coordinate scientific activities, help in the attraction of adequate resources as well as promoting a stimulating, fair and open environment in which young scientists can thrive. Gr@v's participation is coordinated by A. Morais.

Workshop in honour of Yves Brihaye

A two days workshop "Exact solutions in classical field theory: Solitons, black holes and bosons stars", that will take place on 2-3 June will honour the work of Yves Brihaye, former head of the Research Unit of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics and currently Professor Emeritus in the Unit Physics of the Univers,  Fields and Gravitation. As long time collaborators, E. Radu and C. Herdeiro are two of the invited speakers of the workshop.