High Energy Physics News & Events

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No-go theorems for gravitating nonlinear electromagnetic fields

GGD - Gr@V Seminar
Ana Bokulić (University of Zagreb)
Event date
On-site: Sala Sousa Pinto
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Nonlinear electrodynamics (NLE) is an umbrella term for various nonlinear generalisations of Maxwell’s theory, usually defined by Lagrangians depending on two quadratic electromagnetic invariants. We discuss two classes of no-go theorems that can be established when NLE fields are coupled to gravity.

Dinner with many visitors

On Wednesday 18, we gathered for a dinner in town to celebrate our many visitors. While Víctor Jaramillo (University of Science and Technology of China), Raimon Luna and Milton Ruiz (both from University of Valencia) joined us for a week, we also welcomed longer term guests Ana Bokulić (University of Zagreb) and Razieh Ranjbar (Ferdowsi University).

Discussion of the paper " Detecting single gravitons with quantum sensing", by Germain Tobar, et al.

Nuno Santos (U. Aveiro)
Event date
Hybrid: Room Sousa Pinto and Zoom
Ends on
Event type

Detecting single gravitons with quantum sensing

Germain Tobar(Stockholm U.), Sreenath K. Manikandan(Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm), Thomas Beitel(Stevens Tech.), Igor Pikovski(Stockholm U. and Stevens Tech.)

arXiv:2308.15440 [quant-ph]

12 million CPU-hours awarded to our group

A computing proposal prepared by S. Gimeno-Soler, P. Cunha, I. Sengo and C. Herdeiro, and led by H. Olivares was awarded with 12 million CPU-hours at the supercomputer Mare Nostrum 5.
The project, titled "Exploring accretion and spacetime models for event-horizon-scale observations of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei", will explore new models of accretion flows and spacetime geometries for the targets of the Event Horizon Telescope using simulations as the one shown in the picture (Image credit: H. Olivares and P. Cunha).