Plasmas in fusion reactors are highly prone to instabilities. Edge-localized modes (ELMs) occurring at the scrape-off layer (SOL) are instabilities that are responsible for large energy losses in the plasma core and present large potential for damage to the plasma-facing components. Since tokamak plasmas are a highly non-linear system, we require numerical methods to properly address their behavior. Classically, this has been done with MHD however the underlying fluid assumption is that the velocity distribution of the plasma particles is Maxwellian; this is not the case in the SOL and edge regions. This provides the motivation to move to a kinetic approach where the velocity distribution is left free and solved for directly. Particle-in-cell codes have been developed to address this however, they suffer from statistical noise in low density regions such as the SOL. We are developing a finite-volume, 3D-3V Vlasov-Maxwell code that will be able to accurately model edge plasmas free from statistical noise. Due to the six-dimensional phase space and the fine mesh required by finite-volume codes, direct tokamak simulations are computationally intractable. Therefore, we are also introducing an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) scheme which provides significant computational speedup. This will allow a feasible path to simulate the onset and evolution of ELMs in a tokamak using a fully kinetic description.
Kobra: a Vlasov Code with AMR
Next Seminar
Curvature dependence of gravitational-wave tests: from theory to observation
Next Journal Club
Discussion of the paper "A plausible model of inflation driven by strong gravitational wave turbulence", by S. Galtier et al.
Next Course
Introduction to Computer Vision with PyTorch
Black Hole Workshops
Next workshop:
XVIII Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2025
18-19 December 2025
Previous workshops in the series:
I Black Holes Workshop, Porto, 2008
II Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2009
III Black Holes Workshop, Minho, 2010
IV Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, 2011
V Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2012
VI Black Holes Workshop, Minho 2013
VII Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro 2014
VIII Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon 2015
IX Black Holes Workshop, Minho 2016
X Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro 2017
XI Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2018
XII Black Holes Workshop, Minho, 2019
XIII Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2020
XIV Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, 2021
XV Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, 2022
XVI Black Holes Workshop, Porto, 2023
XVII Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, 2024
Numerical data
NewFunFICO network
Our group coordinates the Marie Sklodowska Curie Staff Exchange NewFunFiCO network (Jan 2023- Dec 2026)
More info here
FunFiCO Network
Our group coordinates the Marie Curie RISE FunFiCO network (Dec 2017- Dec 2023)
More info here
EuCAPT Consortium
StronGrHEP Network
Our group was part of the RISE StronGrHEP network (2016-2019)
Paris, 12-13 May 2016
Azores, 3-8 July 2017
Osaka, 4-8 September 2017
NRHEP Network Meetings
Our group coordinated the "Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics" IRSES network (2012-2015). Here is a list of the global network meetings organized:
First Meeting:
9-13 July 2012, Aveiro, Portugal
Second Meeting:
11-14 March 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Third Meeting:
6-10 January 2014, Mississippi, USA
Fourth Meeting:
7-10 July 2015, Rome, Italy
Fifth Meeting:
28 Sep-2 Oct 2015, Belém, Brazil
Ph.D. and Post-doctoral opportunities
Contact us If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies/research in our group.
Information for prospective Ph.D. students can be found here.
Past Ph.D. theses from our group can be found here.
Working as a researcher in Portugal - a quick guide.