Strong Gravity News & Events

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Extra dimensions, black holes and fireballs at the LHC

Anastasios Taliotis (Vrije U., Brussels)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: The collision of two gravitationally interacting, ultra-relativistic, extended sources is being examined. This investigation classifies the transverse distributions that are collided according to whether one or two (a small and a large) apparent horizons may or may not be formed in a flat background in 4 dimensions.

Magnetized accretion onto inspiraling binary black holes

Bruno Mundim (AEI, Potsdam)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: Fully general relativistic numerical solutions to magnetized accretion onto black hole binaries are computationally very expensive. Current efforts are limited to very short binary separations. On the other extreme, however, point-particle Newtonian mechanics is used to accurately model accretion onto binaries with very large separations.

Black holes with nonspherical horizon topology in higher-dimensions: a numerical approach

Eugen Radu (Oldenburg U.)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: We present numerical evidence for the existence of several types of new black hole solutions with a nonspherical event horizon topology in d>5 spacetime dimensions. These asymptotically flat configurations are found for specific metric Ansatze by directly solving the Einstein equations with suitable boundary conditions.

Enhanced AdS Horizons

Jai Grover
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: We shall be investigating whether there is near-horizon supersymmetry enhancement in supersymmetric black hole solutions to minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions; as all known black holes of the gauged theory exhibit supersymmetry enhancement from $1/4$ to $1/2$ in the near hori