Astrophysics News & Events

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Numerical evolution of well-posed field theories with anisotropic scaling

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Marcelo Rubio (SISSA, Trieste)
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On-site: Room TBD
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Dynamical equations exhibiting an anisotropic scaling between space 
and time admit a dispersive nature, as they contain higher-order spatial derivatives, 
but remain second order in time.

Young brown dwarfs and rogue planets in the Milky Way

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Koraljka Muzic (IA, University of Lisbon)
Event date
Hybrid: Sala Sousa Pinto and Zoom
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There are at least 100 billion brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects in our Galaxy - objects that are not orbiting a star and have masses between that of Jupiter and of the lowest mass stars (~80 MJup). Several theories for their formation have been proposed, and could all as well be at work, but their relative importance is not known and is expected to vary with mass and environment.

Discussion of the paper "Accretion within the innermost stable circular orbit: analytical thermodynamic solutions in the adiabatic limit", by A. Mummery and S. Balbus

Héctor Olivares (U. Aveiro)
Event date
Hybrid: Room Sousa Pinto and Zoom
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Accretion within the innermost stable circular orbit: analytical thermodynamic solutions in the adiabatic limit

A. Mummery, and S. Balbus

arXiv:2302.14437 [astro-ph.HE]