Cosmology News & Events

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Workshop in honour of Yves Brihaye

A two days workshop "Exact solutions in classical field theory: Solitons, black holes and bosons stars", that will take place on 2-3 June will honour the work of Yves Brihaye, former head of the Research Unit of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics and currently Professor Emeritus in the Unit Physics of the Univers,  Fields and Gravitation. As long time collaborators, E. Radu and C. Herdeiro are two of the invited speakers of the workshop.

Jorge Delgado's Ph.D. Exam

Jorge Delgado successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, entitled "Spinning Black holes with scalar hair and horizonless compact objects within and beyond General Relativity" on March 24 2022. The Ph.D. committee included José Pedro (President, UA), Betti Hartmann (UCL), Yasha Shnir (JINR), Luis Crispino (UFPA), Lara Sousa (IA, UP) and Carlos Herdeiro (UA, advisor). The thesis was co-advised by Eugen Radu. Congratulations Jorge!