Cosmology News & Events

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Meeting with a scientist

Talking about the Universe, black holes and what a scientist does was the challenge for the "Meeting with a Scientist" event, with Gr@v's C. Herdeiro, organized by Fábrica, the outreach centre in Aveiro (Centro Ciência Viva). The audience (fourth graders) really proved the famed curiosity of the young ones.

Searching for new physics using angular correlations in e+ e- colliders (with some analogies to cosmology)

Miguel Angel Sanchis Lozano (IFIC, CSIC - University of Valencia)
Event date
Only on campus (Mathematics Department room 11.2.21)
Event type

Correlations play a fundamental role in many branches of physics, from quantum mechanics to particle physics and cosmology. In particular, the astonishing homogeneity of the angular distribution of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation across the sky (measured with high precision by the WMAP and Planck missions) requires of an inflationary epoch right after the Big Bang.