Carolina Benone's PhD exam

Carolina Benone successfully defended her PhD thesis "Scalar fields in black hole spacetimes and analogues". The exam took place in U. Federal do Pará, in Belém, Brazil, on July 14th 2017. The thesis was supervised by Luis Crispino (UFPa) and Gr@v member C. Herdeiro. Congratulations Carolina!

Numerical data and Mathematica notebooks for quasi-Kerr hairy black holes

Here, the numerical data described in Fig. 4 of the paper "Kerr black holes with synchronised hair: an analytic model and dynamical formation", arXiv:1706.06597, together with an explanatory pdf file and two Mathematica notebooks, is made available for public use.

The data consists of four solutions of Kerr black holes with scalar hair and six solutions of Kerr black holes with Proca hair. These families of solutions were first presented in the papers:

From Infinitely Large to Infinitely Small

Gr@v member António P. Morais gave a talk at Escola Secundária José Régio in Vila do Conde with title "Do Infinitamente Grande ao Infinitamente Pequeno - uma jornada pelas interações fundamentais na natureza". António was an invited speaker to participate in a sequence of seminars entitled "A Biblioteca convida...", and presented to 11th and 12th grade Science and Technology students the four fundamental interactions in nature and how have they shaped our Universe.