A journey into a black hole

Gr@v's Ph.D. student (in collaboration with IST-Lisbon) Pedro Cunha produced a short movie illustrating a voyage into a black hole, and in particular the lensing effects visualized by an observer undergoing such journey. The journalist Catarina Lázaro (voice) and Gr@v researcher C. Herdeiro (scientific advising) collaborated in the movie, which will have a premiere on December 3rd 2016 at "Observatório Geofísico e Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra".

Jorge Delgado is now a Master

Jorge Delgado successfully finished his Physics M.Sc. at Aveiro University, on September 20th 2016, by defending a thesis with title "Kerr black holes with electric charge and scalar hair". This thesis was supervised by Gr@v researchers and examined by Prof. Filipe Mena, from the University of Minho. Well done Jorge!