High Energy Physics News & Events

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João Oliveira's Ph.D. defense

João Oliveira successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on Friday 20th November 2020. The committee, presided by Prof. A. Botelho and composed by Profs. D. Astefanesi, M. Zilhão, M. Piedade Ramos, E. Radu and C. Herdeiro (advisor) unanimously approved the thesis entitled "Aspects of Einstein-Maxwell-scalar models: Solitons, Duality and Scalarisation". Congratulations João!

Nico Sanchis-Gual joins Gr@v

Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, the only member of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra collaboration working in Portugal, officially joined Gr@v and our research unit CIDMA. After his Ph.D. from the University of Valencia, Nico worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CENTRA-IST. He is an expert on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves from dynamical binaries. Welcome Nico!

Black Holes Lessons from Multipole Ratios: A New Window into Black Holes

Iosif Bena (Université Paris Saclay)
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We compute gravitational mass and angular momentum multipole moments for four-dimensional black holes and fuzzball geometries thereof. For Kerr and for supersymmetric black holes many multipole moments vanish, but we show that an infinite number of ratios of vanishing multipoles are constant.