Astrophysics News & Events

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Post-doctoral grant

An 8-month post-doctoral grant is open within the project 2024.05617.CERN, "Towards precision tests of ultralight dark matter with imaging and gravitational waves". Applications should be submitted between 15 December and 5 January 2024. More info in the attached files and the Euraxess site.

Testing General Relativity with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals

GGD - Gr@V Seminar
Susanna Barsanti (University College Dublin)
Event date
On-site: Sala Sousa Pinto
Event type
Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs) - asymmetric binary systems composed by a stellar mass compact object inspiralling into a massive black hole - are promising candidates for probing new fundamental physics.

Slowly Rotating Accretion Flows around Supermassive Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies

GGD - Gr@V Seminar
Razieh Ranjbar (Ferdowsi University)
Event date
On-site: Sala Sousa Pinto
Event type

It has been believed that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the majority of nearby galaxies in the universe are powered by accretion flows. Observational evidence and many numerical simulations show of elliptical galaxies have revealed a surprising fact, in the densest regions of massive elliptical galaxies the hot gas rotates very slowly.