High Energy Physics News & Events
Gr@v RISEs
Gr@v is a partner of the recently approved "Strong Gravity and High Energy Physics" Marie Curie RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) action, within the Horizon 2020 European framework. This network has a lifetime of 4 years, starting in Jan 2016 and connects 8 nodes in 7 countries, being coordinated by Prof. Ulrich Sperhake and Cambridge University.
Entanglement Entropy of the Klebanov-Strassler model with dynamical flavors

Abstract: I will present a detailed study of the Entanglement Entropy for the confining Klebanov-Strassler background coupled to a large number of dynamical flavors.
V NRHEP network meeting in Belém, Brazil
The V global meeting of the Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics Marie Curie IRSES action, took place in Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil, from 28 September -2 October 2015.
Thank you Luis Carlos Crispino for the stimulating meeting in the beautiful Amazonia.
Living Reviews in Relativity resumes publication
Living Reviews in Relativity has been one of the most prestigous journals in the field of Gravitation. After interrupting its activity in September 2014, it was recently acquired by Springer and has now resumed publication with the new review articles: "Exploring New Physics Frontiers Through Numerical Relativity" co-authored by our group.
Radiative corrections to the Triple Higgs Coupling in the Inert Higgs Doublet Model
100 years of Strong Gravity, 5 years of Gr@v

To celebrate the centenial of General Relativity and simulataneously celebrate five years of the Gravitation Group at the University of Aveiro (Gr@v), established in the Fall 2010, Gr@v will organize a two days event, on 25-26 November 2015. This event will also mark the closing of the "Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics" Marie Curie IRSES action, an international partnership which was coordinated by our group that ran over the period 2012-2015. Finally, the event will also be integrated in the IDPASC doctoral programme.
IV NRHEP meeting in Rome
The IV global meeting of the Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics Marie Curie IRSES action, took place in "Sapienza University", Rome, Italy, from 7-10 July 2015.
Thank you Leonardo Gualtieri, Paolo Pani and Valeria Ferrari for the stimulating meeting and excellent coffee breaks!
Vacuum stability of models with extended Higgs sectors

Abstract: For models with extended Higgs sectors, minimizing the one-loop effective potential and calculating tunneling times between different minima can provide a competitive phenomenological constraint.
Raul Costa @ CERN this summer
Gr@v master student Raul Costa has been granted a place in the prestigious CERN summer student programme 2015 edition. Raul will be spending two months at CERN in a historical and exciting moment when the first data from the high energy runs of the LHC will start being produced. Watch out for the new particles Raul! And congratulations!