High Energy Physics News & Events

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Deep learning for Collider Phenomenology

Felipe Freitas (Gr@v, U. Aveiro)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room Sousa Pinto
Event type
In this talk, I present the basic building blocks of Deep learning and some new state of art techniques that can be used in challenging problems we face at the Large Hadron Collider.

FCT funded post-doctoral positions

The Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) launched the third edition of the "Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus". The call will open from January 30th to February 26th 2020. This call funds post-doctoral positions at various seniority levels. Our group is open to support good candidates in Strong Gravity, Astrophysics and High Energy Physics. For further information contact the group coordinator C. Herdeiro (herdeiro@ua.pt).