High Energy Physics News & Events

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Core-collapse of fast rotators in the early universe

Koh Takahashi (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
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It is widely believed that the fast rotation of a massive star affects the dynamics of core-collapse and eventually results in the most luminous event in the present universe, the long gamma-ray burst (LGRB). Another important consequence of the fast rotation would be an energetic supernova explosion, which is often observed to be associated with LGRBs.

Stellar compact mergers as progenitors of short-gamma ray bursts

Milton Ruiz Meneses (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
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online (only)
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Stellar Compact object mergers are not only important sources of gravitational waves but also central engines that power electromagnetic transients and r-processes, if matter is involved. I will review recent progress modeling the merger of black hole-neutron star and neutron stars binaries highlighting state-of-the-art general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations.

Why can't time run backwards?

Prof. Anthony James Leggett (Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois, USA)
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room 11.1.2 and online
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We can all tell when a movie of some everyday event, such as a kettle boiling or a glass shattering, is run backwards. Similarly, we all feel that we can remember the past and affect the future, not vice versa.

Physics Nobel Prize 2020 for Black Holes

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 was divided, one half awarded to Roger Penrose "for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity", the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez "for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy." Our group is thrilled by this recognition of Black Hole science by the Nobel Committee and heartly congratulates Roger, Reinhard and Andrea!