High Energy Physics News & Events

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BIM-OI and BIM-OII Orbifold Phenomenology at the LHC and Beyond

António Morais
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: Supersymmetric Grand Unification scenarios with non-universal gaugino masses have been widely investigated in the context of the SU(5) and SO(10) gauge groups. Here, we take a less conventional approach, and revisit a class of orbifold models with non-universal gauginos, developed by Brignole, Ibáñez and Muñoz.

Extra dimensions, black holes and fireballs at the LHC

Anastasios Taliotis (Vrije U., Brussels)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: The collision of two gravitationally interacting, ultra-relativistic, extended sources is being examined. This investigation classifies the transverse distributions that are collided according to whether one or two (a small and a large) apparent horizons may or may not be formed in a flat background in 4 dimensions.