Strong Gravity News & Events

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Introduction to Numerical Relativity

Juan Carlos Degollado
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GAP room
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Numerical Relativity has become one of the most powerful probes of relativistic space times. It allows us to recreate phenomena that are otherwise inaccessible in the laboratory. One of the main applications of numerical relativity is the study of astrophysical systems that involve strong and highly dynamical gravitational fields, such as, for example, black holes and neutrons stars. In this basic introduction we will review the fundamental concepts that underlie the field as well as some of its most important applications.

Superradiant instabilities of black holes

Sam Dolan (Sheffield U.)
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GAP room
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Abstract: Rapidly-spinning black holes can actually *increase* their event horizon area, and hence their entropy, by shedding mass and angular momentum. This thermodynamic statement underpins various energy-extraction mechanisms, such as the Penrose process, or the stimulated emission of radiation known as superradiance.