Alexandre Correia ceases role as group coordinator

Alexandre Correia, Professor at Coimbra University, ended his term as scientific coordinator of the Gravitational Geometry and Dynamics Group (informally dubbed Gr@v) of CIDMA on 16 December 2019. Prof. Correia will cease to be a full member of CIDMA at the end of 2019 by virtue of his move to Coimbra University. The group is very grateful for his leadership. The new elected scientific coordinator is Carlos Herdeiro.

Alexandre Correia on the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize

Alexandre Correia, Gr@v member and Professor at Coimbra University, gave an outreach talk on the part of the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize awarded for the discovery of the first exoplanets. Not only Professor Correia is a working scientist on the field, but he also worked, as a post-doc, in the group of the two laureates, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz. A knowledgeable and entertaining account!

Outstanding Presentation Award - Gold Prize - for João Oliveira

Gr@v and MAP-PDMA Ph.D. student João Oliveira was awareded an "Outstanding Presentation Award - Gold Prize" for his scientific presentation at the 29th workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation, in Japan, at the University of Kobe.

More than 200 researchers participated in this conference, of which 66 were selected to deliver oral presentations. Of these, 56 were nominated for the outstanding presentation award, but only 4 were awarded this distinction, including João Oliveira.

Visit to Belém do Pará, Brazil

Gra@v members C. Herdeiro and E. Radu, together with Nuno Santos from IST-Lisbon, visited Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPa), Brazil, in Amazonia, during November 2019, within the Marie Curie RISE FunFiCO partnership. In the photon in the river Guamá, with Carolina Benone, a former UFPa/Aveiro PhD student, now staff at UFPa.