Pedro Cunha selected for an FCT 6 years junior research grant

Pedro Cunha was one of the 7 selected researchers for a junior grant, nationwide, within 76 applicants in the Physical Sciences panel, in the third individual call for scientific employment stimulus, promoted by FCT. Pedro (re)joined our group as a post-doc in October 2020, after being a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck institute for gravitational physics in Golm, Germany. Congratulations Pedro!

Nico Sanchis-Gual joins Gr@v

Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, the only member of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra collaboration working in Portugal, officially joined Gr@v and our research unit CIDMA. After his Ph.D. from the University of Valencia, Nico worked as a postdoctoral researcher at CENTRA-IST. He is an expert on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves from dynamical binaries. Welcome Nico!