Supplementary data of the article "Analytical proxy to families of numerical solutions: the case study of spherical mini-boson stars"

In this webpage you can find supplementary numerical data accompanying the article "Analytical proxy to families of numerical solutions: the case study of spherical mini-boson stars", by Jianzhi Yang, Pedro V. P. Cunha and Carlos A. R. Herdeiro [to appear soon]. Please consult the article for further details.


You can download the data by clicking on the following link:


Please notice that some web browsers might attempt to block the download of .zip files.

The file (linked above) contains two folders, each representing a continuous family of mini-Boson Star solutions. These families are referred to as Region A and Region B in the article.

Each folder contains a .txt file with the spacetime coefficient data. Each line in this file has five columns of information in the following order:

i,   j ,   C0ij ,   C1ij ,    C2ij 

The indices  i,j  specify the spacetime coefficients C0ij , C1ij , C2ij , defined in the article.

Furthermore, each folder includes a Wolfram Mathematica Notebook designed to easily process the .txt data file, providing users with convenient access to the data.

Publication type
Computational resources