Strong Gravity News & Events

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Hawking radiation for Proca field

Mengjie Wang
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: Recently we have investigated the wave equation of a massive vector boson, which is governed by Proca field, in the D-dimensional Schwarzschild background. Because the mass term introduce a coupling between two physical degrees of freedom, we have to solve s set of coupled ordinary differential equations.

Apparent Horizons

Carlos Herdeiro
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: I will introduce the local concept of Apparent Horizon, provide examples, and show how it is related to the global concept of Event Horizon. I will discuss the first fully non-linear numerical simulations of black hole binaries in a de Sitter universe and comment on the various types of apparent horizons that can be found (black hole, white hole and cosmological).

Scattering by acoustic holes

Ednilton Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Pará)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: Wave scattering by black holes is a subject that has received much attention in the 1970s, and has been extensively studied since then. In this presentation we analyze scattering properties of black hole analogues in acoustic systems. Analogues are artificial systems with some of the key properties of black holes that were proposed by Unruh in 1981.

Integrability of five dimensional gravity theories and inverse scattering construction of dipole black rings

Jorge Rocha (IST-Lisbon)
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: It is well known that D-dimensional vacuum gravity with D-2 commuting Killing vectors is integrable. For such theories a solution generating technique has been available since it was first presented by Belinski and Zakharov in 1978.

IV Black Holes Workshop

IV Black Holes Workshop's poster
Event date
Physics Amphitheatre
Ends on
Event type
From astrophysics to high-energy physics, from information theory to quantum gravity, black holes have acquired an ever increasing role in fundamental physics, and are now part of the terminology of many important branches of observational, theoretical and mathematical physics. This workshop aims at bringing together experts about black holes in all their aspects. The fourth edition of the Black Holes Workshop was held at the University of Aveiro in 19-20 December 2011.

Gravitational collapse and naked singularities

Miguel Zilhão
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: We review some literature about gravitational collapse and discuss how some scenarios can lead to the formation of naked singularities. References: gr-qc/0312123, gr-qc/0308012, gr-qc/0109051, gr-qc/9804075.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter or Gravity

Orfeu Bertolami, Departamento de Física e Astronomia da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Event date
Physics Amphitheatre
Event type

Abstract: The knowledge of the Universe is essentially based on the theory of general relativity (GR). If from one hand, solar system data is in excellent agreement to the theory, available cosmological evidence on the other, is consistent with GR provided one assumes the existence of dark energy and dark matter.

Curved Spacetimes, Accelerated Frames and Quantum Theory

Luís Carlos Bassalo Crispino, Universidade Federal do Pará, Amazônia, Brasil
Event date
GAP room
Event type

Abstract: I briefly present the baselines of Quantum Field Theory in  Curved Spacetimes (QFTCS), which investigates the consequences of defining a quantum field theory for the matter and its interactions  in a curved spacetime background described by General Relativity. Although being na effective theory, QFTCS allows the prediction of quantum  gravity effects, like thermal eva