Strong Gravity News & Events

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Black Hole Scattering with Numerical Relativity

Hirotada Okawa (IST, CENTRA)
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GAP room
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Abstract: Numerical relativity in higher dimensional spacetimes has been one of powerful tools to study various phenomina such as the stability of higher dimensional black holes and the verification for higher dimensional gravity.

Long lived scalar field dark matter clouds around supermassive black holes

Juan Carlos Degollado
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: Classical scalar fields have been proposed as possible candidates for the dark matter component of the universe. Given the fact that super-massive black holes seem to exist at the center of most galaxies, in order to be a viable candidate for the dark matter halo a scalar field configuration should be stable in the presence of a central black hole, or at least be able to survive for cosmological time-scales. In the present work we consider a scalar field as a test field on a Schwarzschild background, and study under which conditions one can obtain long-lived configurations. We show that there exist configurations that can remain surrounding a black hole for large time-scales. In particular, ultra-light scalar field dark matter around supermassive black holes can survive for cosmological times.

Asymptotically AdS spacetimes and isometric embeddings

Steve Willison (IST-Lisbon)
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: We present a simple isometric embedding of the nonrotating BTZ black hole spacetime into (3+2)-dimensional Minkowski space and (3+1)-dimensional mathematical AdS space. A one parameter family of embeddings of the physical (2+1) AdS space (i.e. the universal covering of AdS) is obtained by a double Wick rotation from the BTZ case.

Black Hole collisions

Miguel Zilhão
Event date
GAP room
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Abstract: We review the topic of black hole collisions. We will give an overview of what has been done so far in four dimensional vacuum gravity and we expand on our group's recent efforts of performing black hole collisions in asymptotically de Sitter spaces, Einstein-Maxwell theory and higher-dimensional vacuum gravity.