Strong Gravity News & Events

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Numerical black hole perturbation theory

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Lidia Gomes da Silva (QMUL, London)
Event date
On-site: Room 11.2.21
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Extreme-Mass-Ratio-Inspirals (EMRIs) modelling in time-domain has been anything but trivial due to the challenges associated with resolving the discontinuity emerging from the point-particle model

Detecting environmental effects

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Laura Sberna (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam)
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Online only
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Gravitational-wave observations of extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) hold incredible potential to probe gravity, astrophysical and exotic environments. One of the main effects of astrophysical environments — in particular active galactic nuclei — is the torque exerted by their gaseous disk, which forces EMRIs to “migrate” (mostly) inward like planets.

Primordial Black Holes from Inflation: recent challenges and opportunities in the GW era

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Gabriele Franciolini (Sapienza University)
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Online only
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Primordial black holes (PBHs) might form in the early universe and could comprise a significant fraction of the dark matter. If they are generated due to enhanced scalar perturbations at small scales, their formation is inevitably accompanied by the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) that could be seen by current and future GW experiments.

Black hole binaries in ultralight dark matter environments

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Rodrigo Vicente (IFAE, Barcelona)
Event date
Hybrid: Room 11.2.21 and Zoom
Event type

Ultralight dark matter is an exciting alternative to the standard cold dark matter paradigm, reproducing its large scale predictions, while solving most of its potential tension with small scale observations (like the "cusp-core" and "missing satellites" problems).