Strong Gravity News & Events

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Eddington at Sundy

On May 29th, 1919 a joint Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Society expedition led by Arthur Eddington to Principe observed a total solar eclipse, confirming the deflexion of light predicted by the General Theory of Relativity.  Eddington at Sundy: 100 years later (E@S) results from a joint initiative of several institutions, including our group, to celebrate the centenary of these observations.

Visit to the University of Mons

Gr@v members C. Herdeiro and E. Radu visited the University of Mons (Belgium) in March 2018, to continue their scientific collaboration with Professor Yves Brihaye. Herdeiro presented a seminar on the group's work. And, as demanded by tradition, they all paid a visit to the Guardhouse monkey of Mons!

"Nullius in Verba"

The University of Aveiro and Gr@v join the many worldwide tributes to the life and work of Stephen Hawking. As a small contribution, the U. Aveiro asked Gr@v member C. Herdeiro to write an article for its online news that can be found here. A video statement can be found here (both in Portuguese).

Successful SKA-day national event!

"SKA days PT" took place last 6 and 7 of February, at Covilhã and Lisbon, an initiative to promote the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) - the world's largest radio telescope - among the Portuguese scientific and business communities.

SKA project has the participation of 19 countries, in the case of Portugal it is via the infrastructure ENGAGE SKA, which is a consortium composed by the Instituto de Telecomunicações, the Universities of Aveiro (Gr@v), Porto and Évora, and the Polytechnic Institute of Beja.

Greybody factors and quasinormal modes under scalar perturbations in two concrete exactly solvable models

Seminars 2018
Grigorios Panotopoulos (CENTRA, IST-Lisbon)
Event date
Anf. Física
Ends on
Event type

Greybody factors are frequency dependent quantities that measure the deviation from the perfect black body spectrum of Hawking radiation, and they provide us with valuable information about the near horizon structure of black holes. In
addition, when black holes are perturbed the geometry of spacetime undergoes dumbed oscillations.

RISE coordinator's day 2018

A team from Aveiro University composed by Tatiana Costa (Aveiro Research Support Office), Nikolai Sobolev and Carlos Herdeiro (both RISE projects coordinator from the Aveiro Physics Department) was present in the RISE coordinator's day at the head of REA (Research Executive Agency) in Brussels, in 18-19 January 2018. The photo shows the RISE coordinators of the Math/Physics panel with REA staff, including Project Officer Amanda Jane Ozin-Hofsaess and the Head of Unit Fredrik Olsson Hector.