Strong Gravity News & Events

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Slow-roll inflation and the swampland

Kunihito Uzawa (Kwansei Gakuin U., Japan)
Event date
Maths. Dept. Room Sousa Pinto
Event type

In this talk, we show how the swampland conjecture, which has
recently been attracting attention in string theory and gravity
theory, relates to the slow-roll condition of inflation. First, we
will briefly explain the reason why we focus on the swampland
conjecture to investigate the dynamics of inflation. Next, we discuss

Outstanding Presentation Award - Gold Prize - for João Oliveira

Gr@v and MAP-PDMA Ph.D. student João Oliveira was awareded an "Outstanding Presentation Award - Gold Prize" for his scientific presentation at the 29th workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation, in Japan, at the University of Kobe.

More than 200 researchers participated in this conference, of which 66 were selected to deliver oral presentations. Of these, 56 were nominated for the outstanding presentation award, but only 4 were awarded this distinction, including João Oliveira.

Visit to Belém do Pará, Brazil

Gra@v members C. Herdeiro and E. Radu, together with Nuno Santos from IST-Lisbon, visited Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPa), Brazil, in Amazonia, during November 2019, within the Marie Curie RISE FunFiCO partnership. In the photon in the river Guamá, with Carolina Benone, a former UFPa/Aveiro PhD student, now staff at UFPa.

Gr@v students visit Japan

Gr@v Ph.D. students Alexandre Pombo, João Oliveira and Jorge Delgado visited Kindai University, Japan as members of the StronGrHEP Marie Curie RISE project. Their host is Professor Akihiro Ishibashi.