Strong Gravity News & Events

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Dynamical l-boson stars

Juan Carlos Degollado (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Event date
Hybrid Sala Sousa Pinto (Math dpt) and Zoom
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In this talk I will review some properties of solutions to the static, spherically symmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon system for a collection of an arbitrary odd number N of complex scalar fields with an internal U(N) symmetry and no self-interactions known as l-boson stars.

Brans-Dicke and Ricci-squared Gravities: Sixty Years On... (New Exact Solutions, WEC, Wormholes, and More)

Hoang Nguyen (Babeş–Bolyai University)
Event date
Online (only)
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In this talk, I aim to challenge persistent misconceptions surrounding Brans-Dicke and (Buchdahl's) pure Ricci-squared theories. Through concrete counterexamples in the form of new exact solutions, I will shed light on theoretical aspects related to the violation of the Weak Energy Condition, the construction of wormholes, and the revelation of novel structures within these spacetimes.